
I’m tired of you
And you’re tired
of me too
We see it in
each other
and we know what
we must do
But who has
the bed?
There was only
ever one, not two
What about the
fridge? The stereo
and our cat, Moon?
How do you
separate seventeen years
of stuck together?
How do you split
a vow
that was s’posed to
be forever?
When seventeen years
is much too soon© Kait King, 2016

37 thoughts on “StaleMate

  1. I guess it depends on the relationship. My husband and I almost split after thirteen years of marriage… but went to marriage counseling fixed things… now we are at almost thirty years and our relationship better than ever.

    Sending hugs your way.

    It’s never easy no matter which direction you go. Wish you luck.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Jessica, I apologize. Somehow, I missed your comment! Wow, that is a beautiful story. My parents were married for 60 years, and I always thought I would do the same. Kind of glad I’m not right now tbh!😁

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 35 years here. The feelings ebb and flow. For me that’s how all my my relationships go-except with my kids and grandkids. Wishing you a happy day.

    Liked by 2 people

    • So true! I’m visiting my son and grandbabies in Sweden as we speak! (I’m from NZ) Travel back in November – will be a painfully heartbreaking departure. Worse than any marriage tbh! And happiness to you too, thank you!


  3. Pingback: A door that closes on a relationship and to let go of someone | From guestwriters

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