Attention all mind readers…

Att all mindreaders

There’s a part of me I don’t want people to see. Sometimes I think my battle with writing at times is because of exactly that. If I write what I want to – which I do, this must make people (strangers and those I know too), think of me in a certain way. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles, we all represent in some way or another – the way we decorate ourselves, our homes, our cars insides….But that is easy to see when we visit people’s homes or meet them and feel akin to them or get a ride in their super tidy or super messy car – we are able to make assessments.

But what about when you really know very little about a person and yet you are able to read their minds, well in a way, kind of. I write what is in and on my mind and you are reading it….mind reader 🙂

© Kait King, 2015