Suicide – is it really a free ticket out?


With a delicate stillness

and a quiet noise

with porcelain perfection

and perfect China poise

the body is supine

lying dead on the floor

supine in exsanguination

a choice to become Death’s whore

Ruby red your favourite colour

you wear it very well

although I won’t see you out much

a story we will tell

Did you get off scot-free?

Did you truly escape?

Or will you have to pay your dues

and return to this landscape…

© Kait King, 2015

At Lunch Today

At lunch today
I fell a little more
in love with you
Your smile grazes the
inside of my heart with
such passion
At lunch today
your blue eyes brighter
for seeing me
Sparkling over
sparkling water
with just a hint
of lemon
that cannot sour
our chemistry
At lunch today
while I watched you
I followed your lips
watched your mouth
heard nothing
and thought just
about kissing
I love having
Lunch with you

© Kait King, 2017

A Seeker

I don’t want to be here
I don’t want to be here alone
I don’t want to be here alone in my empty zone
I want to love
I want to love again
I want to love again and be free of all this pain
I can’t do it
I can’t just let it go
I can’t just let it go and pretend I didn’t know
My soul aches
My soul and my heart ache badly
They ache for man’s cruel inhumanity
I’m a seeker
I’m a seeker of love, peace and harmony
I’m a seeker – please tell me you’ll follow me

© Kait King, 2015

Damn you, Dementia…

Mum at Kai Iwi Lakes, January 2019

You’ve watched me
Grow up
I’ve watched you
grow old
And I speak for you
When I used to do
As I was told
Your face is
Still the same
And your eyes…
They sometimes
But your words
Are lost on me
And you
You don’t want me
To go…
I kiss you
Many times
Touch your face
And hug you
You ask me
Where my Dad is
You’re shocked
When I say
He’s gone…
The light

Kait King 2019

Sweet Sugar Spike!

Sweet sugar spike

I am a chocolate addict

call me what you will

Mouth open wide

Chocolate pouring in

that’s how I’d get

my thrill

I am a sugar junkie

call it how you want

I order a starter to have


at the restaurant

Sweet tooth, sweet freak

call it what you like

but nothing makes me happier

than my sweet sugar


© Kait King, 2015

A Lovers’ Note

Lovers Note

Hi babe

There you are lying –

fast asleep

You are softly snoring

and my heart still

misses a beat

As the love in me

is so great

there is nothing I need

to contemplate

This is how you are to me

in all your vulnerability

but you will always be safe with me

if you can love – it will set you free

© Kait King, 2015

The doyley of pain

Doyley of pain

So I’m asked to describe how I concentrate to write or focus on anything when pain is such a major contributor in my life and a permanent. I thought about it for a second. The doctor had used the whiteboard and drawn “my brain” with pain in the background and words like focus, concentration, motivation scribbled at the front with arrows looking like they were trying to get into my brain. Understandably these things all present a challenge but the way I see it, is that the pain is like an intricate piece of lace that is draped across my brain. In between the detailed lacy gaps things like concentration, motivation and focus do filter through. And depending on how tight the stitching is sometimes it is easier for those things to flow through and other times not so much. This might make sense to some of you – I’m not sure.

Also I’m not big on the word hope. I don’t want hope – I want it sorted now or I will just live with it until some such miracle cure arrives – but I’m not spending my life or any time at all with the hope that I will be fine again. It is what it is. They say hope is a word used for people who don’t want to accept. That is not who I want to be – I know a part of me longs for my body to be pain free but that is just not how it is.

I believe that determination comes from my soul and I will carve my way through whatever it is the universe chooses to share with me and be grateful at the same time – because even though I can’t walk very far, I can write – just a different double u (w)…. 🙂

© Kait King, 2015

The Unknown

And confusion rages
like a winter storm
pushing through my
veins and there’s nothing
I can think
Although there is plenty
I could do
But the storm is
blinding and vicious
And I’m thinking of
my life
Like between a rock
and a hard place
And no, I’m not trapped
I’m not unhappy…
with right now
As the ever-bleeding
heart I’m eased
into the terror of
the unknown
It’s not a bad dream
If it was I wouldn’t know if
I really want to wake up –
Does this just mean for me
that it’s time to face reality?

© Kait King, 2016

Mother’s Day every day

My Mum and Dad in Queen St, Auckland 1956

I walk down the aisle
my eyes passing over cards
words springing out
about Mum going
the whole nine yards
And I stop to read a few
The words just seem
when I think of you,
A journey into the intrepid
Four babies later
and over 60 years married
Through wars, tonsillitis,
tears and love you tarried
Now, here I am
a mother too
And these words I say: “I love you”
Have also come
from my son’s mouth
and heart
But to say them to you
doesn’t even begin to start
to express what a fantastic Mum you’ve been
You’ve done a good job,
I’m a good human being
So I tell you you’re an amazing Mum
and people are proud
of the job you’ve done!

© Kait King, 2015

Summer Sunb0dies


I can hear the cicadas

with their sliding

grinding legs

laughing kids

melting ice-creams

Clothes freshly dried

on a line

neatly pegged

That sun shine

warm tar

summer rain smell

That open-roofed car

chasing oceanic swells

Those exotic looking palms

lining Rodeo-type roads

giggling girls

in bikinis and curls

with their Summer Sunbodies

on show

© Kait King, 2015

Daily grind of a good guy

Daily grind

I come home

the cat’s at my feet

kids are crying

but there’s nothing made to eat

It’s a hard day at work

with paper knee deep

and the heater’s broken

so I can’t get to sleep

Yet another day comes

we follow like sheep

I can’t find the faith

to make that big leap

I know I shouldn’t take it in

so very, very deep

But it seems to be sort of extra hard

when you aren’t someone who cheats

© Kait King, 2015

Thought # 1

thought 1

If you’re very rarely or never told “No” or don’t have to wait or work for anything, will it be a harder struggle to get on in the World? (This is based on most normal and reasonable of situations – single or separate parenting included and of course, on a continuum).

In the “Real World” no one else treats you the same way as your parents do. No one else cares the same way for you as your parents do. No one else in the World will give you the same leeway. Will one lack a certain resilience because one can’t deal with a No, or don’t understand why it’s a No?

Your Ego takes a beating, hearing all those ‘yeses’ and how wonderful you are at everything and then a No would just take the wind right out of your sails, it’s a shock. Is it about that resilience? Even against adversity and with all the curve balls life throws you, wouldn’t it be better to be able to face that adversity? I am not talking about being a nagging No Hound about everything – but I do think we need to prepare our children for “out there”! Just tell them the truth, make them stand for something, let them know what their strengths and weaknesses are and let them embrace them all and use them to their best advantage in this crazy Life.

If it is about resilience then we must give our children that strength and fight. They need these things to be able to survive – and not just survive but to live well.

Kait King 2017

Whoever you are

I just want you to know

that you are not alone

I know it sounds empty –

we can’t talk

I can’t hug you

I can’t invite you into my home

But I need you to know

that there is someone out there

someone who also feels the same

is sick of the same game

and shares the same fears

If I can make you understand

this is not what defines you

but the choices you make

from this day forward

even when you don’t know

what to do

© Kait King, 2015

It’s Just Life

it's just life

I am lying

on my bed

it’s too hot

and the TV’s

too loud

Yet the noisiest


is you

in my head

I can hear

the washing machine

beeping and

beeping endlessly

WTF is wrong

with those things?!

I know I should

eat something


I truly can’t be


it’s just


it’s just


it’s just


it’s just


© Kait King, 2016


warped, crippled
twisted and blackened
my monsters will be set free
decrepit, decayed,
barren of soul
sit here or there
and all will see
Damaged, Dangerous,
Dark and Fright
my monsters travel day or night

bad dreams,

bad thoughts,

dark dreams,

No light –

not all is as it seems

with knuckle-bite fright….

© Kait King, 2015

Slowly Summer

Spring into Summer

With drifting tendrils

of Spring

Summer curls her way



where shadows

hang around

with a Wintery gruffness

A warmth travels –


flying through

the trees and grasses

with just a tease

of what’s to come

Sky of blue and spring rains fall

the fluttering tweets

and grassy delights of the

new nesting families hurrying along

Spring’s lazy gait

© Kait King, 2016

New Zealand’s Madness – My Heartbreak

I never wanted to use my WordPress site as an openly resistant, political page, but I feel that right now, I’m left with no other option.

New Zealand, the beautiful clean and green, happy little island country we are portrayed as, by the government and its departments, is just not true.

Wellington protests against mandating experimental drugs.
3rd of November 2021

In the last few months I’ve been witness to the uprising of Kiwis who have just had enough. Groups of peaceful people who want to see change to the tyrannical government, its subsidiaries, fascist politicians, policies, borders and mandates.

Jacinda Ardern, our shitty leader, is dropping radically in the political world. She is viewed as both a fascist and a communist, holding hands too tightly with the CPP for most of our comfort.

Many of us are against doing that to ourselves let alone our kids. Now we have lockdowns, borders and mandates. But for what? In NZ 500 plus people die of the flu every year, in TWO years Covid has killed 33 people here. With a worldwide survival rate of 99.93% the reaction to this virus has been like way, waaaay over the top. So is there something else going on here? Why do you need booster shots? Did the last 2, 3 or 4 not work? This ‘vax” has not one iota of Covid in it. By definition a vaccine has a part of the virus in it for your body to learn to recognise it. I see sports people dropping like flies after their jabs and booster shots. Young people just dropping dead on the field in the middle of a game or training.

Known locally as The Prime Sinister, she has mandated an experimental vax (I just can’t call it a vaccine, because it just isn’t!). With all of the scaremongering going on worldwide about Covid-19 and the Delta variant, many were duped (and I really do mean tricked!), into getting this fucking jab that I believe is poisonous, untested and has a very unsound background.

The Prime Sinister’s husband, sorry, life partner?, told families to hold the grandchildren to ransom to get the grandparents vaxxed. What the actual fuck!?! Who would EVER say that, to withhold anyone from anyone like that is pure and simple BLACKMAIL. Our Prime Sinister has sunk to the lowest levels. Our mainstream media also paid off by the big guys, their reporting belittling the amount of Kiwi’s turning up to protest. Now she flies everywhere because where she goes, the protesters go. We are reported and spoken of as anti-vaxxers and that is the furthest thing from the truth. We just want the CHOICE to do the jab or not. We are just pro choice and freedom. Why are we trapped from our loved ones? This Covid virus is just another flu, stay home if you’re sick and even less people die from it. If a vaccine was to be mandated shouldn’t it be for the flu that kills over 500 people a year? None of this is making sense and we need to connect the dots and take action. Someone in power and a position of trust has way more accountability and needs to answer the people. There’s plenty of clips and information online showing Ardern not addressing questions and avoiding press. I believe there should be a council elected by the people – I’m not sure how that works, but not one oligarchic egotistical tyrant should rule over anybody singularly.

On the 15th of November thousands of healthcare workers, teachers, doctors, nurses and everybody else in that sector had to choose between the jab or their job. Thousands walked out yesterday. Our prime sinister is a bully and an out of control political leader. She will go down in history as one of the most hated and divisive leaders of New Zealand. She has split up families, stopped people seeing each other, stopped people hugging and loving each other, scared children and is now trying to poison them too. The list is endless and I wish to see her and her clowns removed from the government and held accountable for the inhumanity to man. Many human rights have been broken and we, the People, will unite and will take our home back from these evil vulgar elitist monsters.

So this is my rant about my home, in a nutshell. We are fed up and wanting the world to see NZ in the real shadow of this evil dictator. We, the people, want our home back.

Kait King – spoken on behalf of those freedom fighters who feel the same way!

16th July 2023

UPDATE: The new National government is in power, and nothing has really changed. It’s the same indoctrinated poisoned barrel of apples in government seats again. Those who spoke up got elected and are now silent to the cause of freedom for Kiwis. The future of us all rests in the hands of We, The People.

Thanks to you – many thank you’s :)

thank you

To all family, friends, fans, followers and the Universe – thank you, I wouldn’t be on this path if it wasn’t for those of you who are supporting me as I uncrinkle myself from my cocoon to be a new….top selling writer/poet/Monster Maker! But sincerely from the bottom of my heart, thank you x

Crazy Horse

Crazy horse

A young man stood in front of me. Slightly overweight with a bad crew cut. His left arm was heavily bandaged. He held it out to me like an offering – a kind gesture.

“What happened to you?” I asked. He dipped his head shyly and poked a toe at the grubby, coffee-stained carpet.

“It’s a long story.” He mumbled, “I was in love with a girl. I loved her for a really long time.”

His eyes flashed up briefly to catch mine. Glancing up to the right and back to the floor he continued.

“We always walked to school together – I was, I guess, obsessed with her.” I could see another flicker in his eyes, but of hesitation or clutching at a memory. “I bought her flowers and chocolates, wrote her cards and love letters. For a long time…” he trailed off.

“How long?”

“I dunno…” He scrunched his face up as if he was in pain, then breathed out, “Six years, three months, one week and four days.” And obviously still counting, alarmingly!

“That’s a long time to love someone.” I said.

It’s a long time to love someone if they don’t love you back.” He said, looking directly at me – scrutinizing my reaction.

“So why did you keep writing and giving to her?”

I thought she would love me if I could show her how much I loved her. I thought I could have her. She would be mine – but she left. She came up here, to the big smoke. She got a job, and apartment, new friends – a whole life of her own. What she didn’t realise was that she was my life. So I came to live here too. Then I followed her from her work one day. Just pretended I was in the area and had bumped into her, random like. That was not a very good thing to do – she got really mad and told me to leave…to leave her alone.” He stopped, rubbed his good arm across his eyes and sighed.

“That’s when I got this really cool idea!” His face lit up with his remembered ingenuity. “See, I read in a book somewhere that Van Gough had cut his ear off and sent it to the love of his life. So I thought to myself that I would prove how much I loved her – I would send her my arm. That’s bigger than an ear – it must mean more! So the next day I go to work and do my job. When I thought everyone had gone home, I turned my skill-saw back on and tried to cut my arm off.” He swallows a gulp of air and grins at me crazily.

“Geez, didn’t that hurt?” I ask.

“That’s why I stopped!” he laughs. “I pushed my arm onto the saw and it sliced quickly -which was my intention. Blood pissed everywhere – it quickly got through the bones before I had a chance to pull back and well….it was just kind of hanging off and that’s when I thought to myself; Shit, what the hell am I doing – this hurts! What a mess too. I would’ve died too , I suppose, if the other guy hadn’t heard me screaming before I passed out.”

© Kait King, 2015

The Sink Hole

I will not be labeled

As damaged or disabled

I won’t let myself think

I’ll just go down like

Water gurgling in a sink

I try to envision my life

With more purpose

Than “useless”

Sometimes this is

An exercise

Quite fruitless

I won’t slide down

That gurgling sink

And I know that’s what

A lot of people


But I’ve proved them

Wrong before

Not just once

But even more

I won’t quietly go down

That gurgling sink

I have more words

To say

More words

I must ink

I’m not here

To kick up a stink

I just want to make

More people think

Before I go down

That gurgling sink

Kait King 12th July 2019

A present for a poo – for doggie lovers

It doesn’t matter what you do

chew up my panties

leave a present that’s a poo

bury personal items

dig a deeper hole

drag cow dung inside

pee on the stripper pole

rip up the newspaper

before it’s even read

take up most of the room

in my double bed

chew a cavern in the chair

bark at things that are not there

but I’d like to make it very clear –

There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you

even though I’m only worth a poo

I really, really do love you 🙂

(Just to make things clear, I’m talking about a dog, not my man!)

© Kait King, 2015

Brick Walls

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

I believe it’s been

All the wrong ones

The bad decisions

The poor choices

They were my teachers

The water needed to grow

Were the tears that I cried

My food was

food for thought

I learned

I grew

I knew,

I knew….

More than an easy before


Way much more

Kait King