
Every second we suck in air, a child is hurt or dying somewhere in the world – that makes air a pretty high commodity and a very expensive way to look at breathing our air. Therefore make it worthwhile, make it count, but make it count in love and kindness, caring and passing on joy – not just to children but to all. Breathe your air with purpose, you’re really lucky, every day is a blessing 🙂 Kait King 2016

39 thoughts on “Lucky

  1. 🙂 Kait!!! I said these exact words almost to my psychologist and my children’s father today. “I’ve wasted my life chasing validation, living someone else’s dreams, trying to make someone else proud…the very validation I ever needed was my ability to inhale and exhale..that ability validates my very existence, my very being…my very life” Love and light to you as always, beautiful one!!! So glad I have your words as a guide. You keep me hoping 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

    • 😊 Beautiful! You’re doing such an amazing job at this 🙂 Do you think the people around you sense something is different about you? Such a buzzy time for you – life just gets easier without having to fight the world all the time! Love n light to you and yours xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yes and no. Some seem confused and baffled by me. Most, I think, worry about me. I think most know how much I’ve been hurting even if I wouldn’t admit it or talk about. The fear of craziness etc is what cut off my tongue and writing, so it’s overcoming that to just be me. I’m getting there!!! I’m tired of explaining myself. It’s futile.

        Liked by 3 people

      • It is futile… And unnecessary. The people who love you, know you. Those are the ones who don’t need to see your face in tears or your hurt, angry words. They don’t have to have that to know you are hurting, as you say, you hide it and they know anyway! That’s love, a spiritual connection. More ‘sploring and less ‘splaining to do! 😀

        Liked by 2 people

    You did wish me a Happy Birthday didn’t you????
    Oh Kait, you know me, I never tell anyone my Birthday, but when I saw your post with my birthdate, it was a sign.
    Kait, you are one of a kind. I missed you last weekend, I suppose you saw the news about the idiot in Dallas. This depresses me even more. The petty crap that people find issues with is crazy, yet they say nothing about the adverse affects on Our Children by exposing them to this perverse Gender Dysphoria.
    Oh I’d better stop, I don’t mean to ruin your weekend. I think I will go shoot pool with Frank,
    Kait, I reblogged this, and I will drop back with the url,
    I hope you noticed our anniversary coming up on Google,

    Liked by 7 people

    • Haha! Oh wishing you the happy happiest birthday and here’s hoping all of your dreams come true! 🙂 Yes, I did see anniversary post – congratulations! I’ve just been flat out finalizing my second poetry book – uploaded to Amazon last night, so whew!! And yes, unfortunately there are idiots everywhere 😦 Blessings, Love and Light dear Robert, to you and yours xoxo

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Reblogged this on NOT IN MY WORLD!!!! and commented:
    I am very partial to Ms. Kait King’s writing, but this hits close to home.
    I live my life as it is given, one breath at a time.
    I also would like to say that we have been working with Ark of Hope for Children to find some way to reduce the Child vehicular heat stroke deaths.
    The last I looked earlier it stood at 18
    We believe we have found the best and simplest way to do this:
    #HotVehicles are not #BabySitters
    Also, set a TASK in your smartphone everytime you drive a Child. Set an alarm about 10 minutes ahead of your arrival, DO NOT TURN OFF ALARM, hit sleeper everytime alarm sounds, until the Child is safely dropped off at their destination.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Kait, very good, as always.
    As far as Our Country, this comes with the realization that the number of Children dying because of Child Abuse is not, and never has been 5 a day.
    The real number will most probably never be known, although in my estimate, the number is more near 13 or even higher.
    I live my life as it is given…. one breath at a time.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I totally agree – I think it is way more but we bury our heads in the sand about it (not you or I) but other people who trust the statistics that come out from such skewed perceptions and are not fundamentally correct. And yes – one breath at a time is perfect 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      • Kait, I just quit saying it, but maybe I feel it like the old days, but I think IU made it back to at least full force, or soon will be.
        I know you got another zuchini story, or, it is most probably past time to run that again, what do you think????

        Liked by 4 people

      • Hey Robert 🙂 I am always re- running the zucchini story on my blog lol 🙂 But yes, let me see what I can find – perhaps Keyhole Kid, Unwanted or Do The Right Thing? Or maybe something else altogether? Would love to represent with NOT IN MY WORLD where ever possible! 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

      • Kait you are one in a trillion.
        We could use all the help we can possibly get. Me and Frank set the mark for 7G in August 19, 2016, we upped it to 8G, but no one knows until now that we will have 10G since it looks like I’ll make it.

        Liked by 4 people

  5. Pingback: Lucky – The Pink Shoes

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